Moving beyond the emotions of the past

to a healthier future!


Family Visitation

Family members may arrange visitation with their loved one on a limited basis on Sundays, provided this is authorized by the individual in treatment and the treatment team. The Family Workshop is at 1:00 and visitation is from 2:00 - 3:30. The workshop must be attended to visit your loved one in treatment. A Maximum of 3 adults ages 18 and up may attend the workshop and visitation. We recommend that those who will be the direct support system be the ones attending.

On Campus Family Support Group

An Al-Anon meeting is held on our campus every Tuesday at 6:00pm in the Siebert Center.
Family is defined for purposes of treatment at the Oasis as individuals identified by the addict as significant in their lives. It is not uncommon for the “family” to include co-workers or close friends. Family members are provided a Suggested Reading List and are encouraged to attend Al-Anon meetings either at the Oasis or other locations that staff will assist in identifying. Family participation is voluntary but must be authorized by the individual in treatment and determined to be helpful by the treatment team.
During the admission and assessment level, the family’s involvement consists primarily in providing historical information which may be helpful in the development of a plan for care.
Services to family members include counselor-facilitated sessions with family members of others in treatment and/or with others in treatment. The goal of these sessions is to gain insight into relationship issues affected by substance abuse. If determined appropriate by the treatment team, family members may be invited to a family conference with their loved-one facilitated by a counselor. A typical goal of such a session is to acknowledge the past but help all involved to move beyond the emotions of the past to a healthier future. Another aim for these later sessions is often to role-play scenarios that might occur once the individual returns to his/her aftercare home.

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You, too, can live a life free from alcohol and drug addiction.