Clinical Information

Our Treatment Protocol for Medical Detoxification

Detoxification is the management of the withdrawal syndrome and overall removal of toxic or addictive substances from the body through a set of medical interventions while reducing the physical harm typically present with drug or alcohol abuse.   The Oasis Renewal Center does not provide medical detoxification services.


As a part of the initial screening process, an applicant is asked to provide information regarding:

  1. Date of last use for all medications/prescription or non-prescription/alcohol
  2. Frequency/Quantity typically consumed for all medications/prescription or non-prescriptions/alcohol
  3. History of complicated withdrawal (previous medical detox, delirium tremens, unstable vital signs, seizures)
  4. Description of any episode the patient identifies as withdrawing from medication/alcohol

Based upon the patient’s response to the above questions, RCA uses the guidelines below to determine if an applicant for treatment is admitted or referred for medical detoxification.  


If typical frequency/quantity is daily use in excess of  10-12 standard drinks and date of last use is within 48 hours of anticipated date of admission, patient is to be referred to detox prior to admission to an RCA residential facility.  If the patient has undergone medical detox in the past, there is a history of delirium tremens, seizures or the patient describes a difficult episode of withdrawal historically, the patient is to be referred to detox prior to admission to an RCA residential facility.

Sedative/hypnotic medications such as barbiturates (seconal), benzodiazepines (xanax, valium, klonipin, ativan)

If typical frequency is daily use of quantities greater than prescribed daily dose and date of last use is within 48 hours of anticipated date of admission, patient is to be referred to detox prior to admission to RCA.  If the patient has undergone medical detox in the past, there is a history of seizures or the patient describes a difficult episode of withdrawal historically, the patient is to be referred to detox prior to admission to an RCA residential facility.

Opioid or depressant medications  such as hydrocodone, percodan, Demerol, heroin, etc.

Detox may be recommended for the comfort of the patient depending on date and quantity of last use.  If not referred to Detox, a Hot Sheet is to be placed in the chart noting the patient is to be on limited activity for up to 5 days. 

Stimulant  medications  such as cocaine, crack, methamphetamine, etc. 

No detox is recommended prior to admission to an RCA residential facility.   The patient may need to be on limited activity for first 3-5 days.

Inhalants or perception altering drugs such as marijuana, ecstasy

No detox is recommended prior to admission to an RCA residential facility.